Disaster Management Solutions

Ready to roll – mobile solutions for disaster management

Our nomadic LTE-Networks as well as our IP-Mesh-equipment are excellent solutions for broadband data communication as required in disaster management, for large scale missions and events as well as for crisis scenarios.

Integrated and energy autonomous solutions like our Vikomobil 2.0 and our HiMoNN-FuelCase ensure broadband connectivity also in case of region wide missions and blackouts.

Our Vikomobil 2.0 is a mobile communications node that is equipped with SATCOM, an LTE-Cell as well as IP-Mesh routers. An integrated methanol fuel cell ensures energy autonomous communication for weeks.

More details see here.


HiMONN-FuelCase integrates an IP-Mesh router with a methanol fuel cell into a Pelicase-trolley. It runs ca. 1 week under full load with the included exchangeable methanol 10l-cartridge.

More details see here.